Appeal of Family Law Matters

Appeal of Family Law Matters

Appealing Family Law Trial Court Rulings in NYC

The decisions made by judges at trial court are not always final. Sometimes mistakes are made by attorneys, judges or juries. While an appeal is not a “do over” of the trial, it provides a party who feels wronged the opportunity to seek a just result. For this to happen, an appeal must show that the rule of law was not followed during the trial, using only the evidence that was admitted at the trial. The role of the appellate court is to review the case as it was presented to the trial judge to determine if an error was made.

In addition to defeating opponents in the courtroom, the NYD firm is well known for creating new law at the appellate level. To find out how we can help you with your family law appeal, call our firm at 212.671.0936.

The Necessary Skills for a Successful Appeal

An appellate lawyer’s skills are different from those of a trial lawyer. In short, trial lawyers must be adept at ferreting out information through discovery, examination of witnesses and making persuasive oral presentations in the court while appellate lawyers must be talented in persuasive writing and other skills such as researching legal principles and understanding subtle distinctions and legal trends.

Our NYD attorney, brings a unique perspective to her appellate practice, as she is an equally skilled trial lawyer. She is able to handle trials in a way that makes an appeal easier than necessary and uses her thorough understanding of trial procedure to aid in her clients’ appeals.

You Only Have Limited Time to File an Appeal

There are very short time periods for making your complaints known, so it is imperative to explore your options as soon as possible. Contact us today to discuss your legal options with a knowledgeable appeals lawyer.

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