Enriching marriages moment by moment

Enriching marriages moment by moment

Dating shouldn’t stop just because you’re married. That’s our motto. Well, one of them.Just because life changes, and you now go to bed at 9 p.m. and only talk about how little Tommy went poopy on the toilet does not mean that you shouldn’t be going out alone. In fact, the more life changes you experience, the more your family grows, the more your marriage needs a date night. Its got to be intentional too. Its not just going to happen if you don’t plan it.

We’re going to try our best on these posts to not gravitate towards the tired “dinner and a movie” date ideas.  There is nothing wrong with those and they are great ways of reconnecting and getting away from your everyday life for an evening. However, although that’s often what we resort to when we go out we’d like to be able to use this site to offer up more ingenious ideas. We need ‘em as much as you do!

That said, going out doesn’t have to mean “going out.”  We don’t know about you all, but sometimes things like time, money, or lack of childcare can get in the way of dating options. So, we’ve had to learn how to be resourceful.

This week our suggestion for you is to spend the evening alone at home. You can take a home date night in any direction you’d like. You could pop some popcorn and watch a movie on Netflix. You could cook a fancy dinner for two and eat and drink after the kids go to bed. You could dust off your favorite board game and spend a couple hours being competitive. Any way you cut it, it’s a chance for you to unwind, cut loose, and have fun hanging out with your love for an evening without making plans that break the bank or having to hire a sitter (which incidentally can also break the bank).

So this weekend, plan some time alone with your spouse. Don’t let no money, no babysitter, or weird scheduling conflicts stop you.

Your marriage will thank you!

Dont forget: If you have ideas or dates that you’ve gone on that you’d like to share, we’d like to hear them!

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