Family Exercise

Obesity is on the rise in all age groups so tackling obesity as a family may help address bad exercise habits. In the last two decades the number of overweight and obese children has more than doubled, putting them at risk to become overweight or obese adults with serious problems such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and even psychological and social problems.

Exercising as a family and asking family walks or bike rides are just a few simple ways to get everyone physically involved and interacting. Plus, it helps parents to teach their kids how to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.

Limiting sedentary activities for kids such as TV, video games and computer time and encouraging them to play outside is one of the easiest ways to get kids exercising.

Keys to motivating family exercise:

The kids will probably resist at first but by making it part of the family routine and involving the older kids in planning activities, family exercise will become a normal part of life. Whether you are a single parent, a step-family or a blended family, family exercise should be at the core of your family life.

The Benefits of Family Exercise

Family Exercise and Obesity Rates

With less than half of all Americans considered at a healthy weight and the number of overweight and obese children in the United States  more than doubling in the last two decades, the outlook for the future is a new generation of obese and unhealthy adults.

Exercise is a key component of maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. Nearly half of Americans aged 12-21 are not physically active on a regular basis and about 14 percent of young people report no recent physical activity. Its time to take action now and combat our unhealthy lifestyles.

Family exercise can teach our kids to stay healthy for the rest of their lives.

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