Finding Love After Divorce: From Desperate after Divorce to Divinely in Love

finding in love after divorce

Betty Anne from Atlanta, Georgia writes about her dating experience and finally finding love after divorce

I’m pinching myself, I can’t believe it!

Suzy it has been 5 short months since I completed your coaching program

I am 46 years old and have been divorced for 3-1/2 years and I will say that life after divorce for women is not that easy.

I must admit I felt like damaged goods after my divorce.

I wanted to find a new relationship but felt that no one would want to be with me.

My self esteem and self confidence were at an all time low.

For the last 3-1/2 years, the men I have met were losers, liars and jerks.

It got to the point where I decided the good guys were never going to be attracted to me no matter how hard I tried to meet them.

I was ready to give up and live the rest of my life single and alone.

I was exhausted and hopeless and felt like it was just too late in life for me to find the man of my dreams.

When I accidentally came across I was skeptical to say the least.

I had already tried several dating coaching programs and workshops without much success and did not want to go down that same road again.

But for some strange reason I decided to give it a shot.

Thank goodness I made that decision.

Everything that is offered on this site makes sense and if I could do it, anyone can do it.

As I put into practice many of the suggested ideas for meeting men my attitude shifted from desperate to positive.

I found your advice, Suzy, to be honest and straight forward and felt it was coming from someone who had walked in my shoes.

I was the type of relationship and dating advice that I knew I needed and finally found.

I guess the most important thing that happened to me was my self esteem and confidence grew to a point where I really felt good about myself.

From there everything seemed to fall into place dating again after divorce.

About a month ago I met a really nice guy and we seem to have a lot in common and certainly enjoy each others company.

I’m not sure where this relationship will end up.

It is too soon to tell.

However, what I do know is I will not live the rest of my life alone and single.

Thanks Suzy for helping me move on with my life after divorce and helping me to get my confidence back when it comes to men and relationships.

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