7 Powerful Ways To Reignite Sexual Intimacy In Your Marriage

Marriage intimacy

Marriage and Intimacy

Too many couples forget that marriage is suppose to be fun at any age and adding fun back into a couples sex life is one way to keep the marriage fresh and exciting.

Intimacy in marriage

When the word intimacy is used in marriage a man and woman may view the term differently and this can create a problem in the marriage. Intimacy in marriage is about a husband and a wife connecting through an intimate exchange, meaning a kiss, hug, intimate words, a special look, touching, back rub and sexual intercourse.

When a couple can gain a better understanding of how to create the intimacy not only in the bedroom but outside of the bedroom then they will strengthen the bond in the marriage. Intimacy in marriage is that special reltaionship between a husband and a wife, the love and the passion that they share with one another.


Romance in marriage

For woman intimacy outside the bedroom is just as important as in the bedroom and for many couples that part of the marriage often times gets neglected or over lookd. The more intimate a couple is in a non-sexual way it can create that passion that will lead to better love making when it does happen.

One of the reasons that sex can get boring in a marriage is that the intimacy is being overlooked outside of sex. Couples are forgetting to kiss passionately, hold hands, rub each other shoulders, and say sexy words to one another. The idea that romance dies when one gets married is just that “an idea”, so then we can turn it around and say that romance can still exist in marriage, then we can transfere that romance into the bedroom. In fact romance can be ignited in marriage over and over again. Marriage is the idea that we choose one person to spend the rest of our lives with them, meaning that as we grow and mature in each stage together, we are suppose to grow with our spouse, not apart from our spouse. Maintaing intimacy and having sexual relations with our spouse is what will be the glue that holds the marriage together.


Intimate conversation

Talking to one another about what you would like to do to turn each other on, what pleases you, and how you can please your spouse. The point of this is to create desire for one another and keep the passion going. Intimacy between spouses is what each spouse will make of it. It is the responsibility of both the husband and the wife to create intimate time for each other. Marriage is about taking responsibility for what part each partner will play and how each will contribute to the marriage. There are reasons why spouses cheat, why marriage ends in divorce and many times one or both spouses have forgotten how to be intimate with one another. Take the time to be honest with yourself and your spouse and build the intimacy back into your marriage. Strengthen your marriage through intimacy non-sexual and sexual and love, enjoy, and create the marriage that you have always dreamed of having .

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