Local Ministry Reaches Out to Those Hurt by Divorce

Divorce care

Americans for Divorce Reform estimates that “probably 40 or possibly 50” percent of all marriages end in divorce. Whether these statistics are accurate or not, the dissolution of a marriage can be traumatic for the couples involved and stressful for their offspring.

Until recently, churches generally shied away from divorce. The subject was off limits. Now, three local churches — Southbrook Christian, Fairhaven and Epiphany Lutheran — are tackling the issue head on.

“Divorce has been described as surgery without anesthesia,” said Paul Wilkens, director of community care at Southbrook, 9095 Washington Church Road, Miamisburg. “It’s painful. And because of that pain we want to provide people with the support they need so they won’t have to carry all that extra baggage around.”

The foundation of the churches’ divorce recovery ministry is a program offered by Church Initiatives, Inc., called DivorceCare.

DivorceCare is a 13-week seminar featuring top experts on divorce and recovery. Each seminar begins with a 30-minute video after which DivorceCare participants discuss topics such as facing their anger, loneliness and depression.

Jeniffer Fetter began attending the Southbrook’s DivorceCare Bible study shortly after her separation.

“I started midway through the program,” Fetter said. “It’s geared for people going through divorce and it really made me think a lot. It goes through anger, separation issues, reconciliation and what the Bible says about them. I went through the seminar twice. The second time was much better for me because God showed me that everything was going to be OK.”

When Southbrook’s DivorceCare program starts up again Oct. 6, Fetter will be a seminar leader. “I’m a little nervous, but I felt it’s where God wants me to be,” Fetter said. “I’ll be able to, through him, help other people.”

DivorceCare at Epiphany Lutheran Church, 6430 Far Hills, begins on Sept. 8 and at Fairhaven Church, 637 E. Whipp Road, on Sept. 16.

Originally posted by Khalid Moss at Dayton Daily News.

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