Loneliness and Genes

Loneliness and Genes

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A fascinating new study in Genome Biology suggests that loneliness may be correlated to changes in gene expression. A lot of literature correlated lack of social contact  (loneliness) with detrimental health effects. This is the first study of its kind that looks at genome wide expression in such a population. Social Isolation and Health Risks […]



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1. Rejecting Parents or caregivers who display rejecting behavior toward a child will often [purposefully or unconsciously] let a child know, in a variety of ways, that he or she is unwanted. Putting down a child’s worth or belittling their needs are some ways this type of emotional abuse may manifest. Other examples can include […]


Family Exercise

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Obesity is on the rise in all age groups so tackling obesity as a family may help address bad exercise habits. In the last two decades the number of overweight and obese children has more than doubled, putting them at risk to become overweight or obese adults with serious problems such as diabetes, hypertension, heart […]

Professional Practice

Valuation of a Professional Practice

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The valuation of a professional practice in a divorce action in New York is a complex process. There are numerous legal, financial, practical, and evidentiary factors and considerations which must be identified, analyzed, and reconciled before a judge can determine the true value of a practice. Lee Rosen, of the Rosen Law Firm in North Carolina, recently […]

Laughter is the best medicine

Laugh, Smile or Howl?

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Smiling can both reflect and influence our mood. It can also help deal with the difficult and complex world we live in and reflect a good adjustment to the problems we face including the challenges of rebuilding our lives after divorce. Laughter plays an major role in our society and helps build social support. Smiling can affect […]

Forget perfection. Dating can be an awkward experience for many people. They feel they have to be perfect. You have to say the right things, dress the right way, like the right things, drive the right car and so on.


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Give yourself time before you start dating again Make sure you have examined and learned from your past relationship Know what you are looking for Understand the issues of remarriage, blended families, step-parenting Have fun! You are ready now to date again.  You have gone through the grieving process and thought about the issues around […]

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