New York Divorce Lawyers for Men
When you no longer wish to be in your marriage, you don’t know where to turn. In New York, the divorce laws used to require that spouses claim either adultery, abuse, or abandonment. However, the the rules recently changed to allow for no-fault divorces, therefore couples can file to end their marriage due to an irretrievable breakdown in the marriage.
If you are seeking a divorce in New York, you need an attorney who understands the process. Many New Yorkers make the mistake of hiring a family attorney who does not specialize in divorces. This is a poor decision for two reasons. First, because divorce and family law is a very specialized area of law with its own court rules and processes. A general practice attorney who does not handle many divorces will not be equipped to effectively represent you. Second, you should keep in mind that the outcome of your divorce case will impact your life for a long period of time in a permanent way.

How Our New York Divorce Lawyers Can Work For You
When you are in a divorce case, there are many complicated issues at hand. Your attorney will need to help you sort through many financial documents in order to make sure your settlement, alimony, child support, and division of property are fair. These issues will affect your financial and personal future in a big way, so you should only entrust your case to an attorney who has a proven success record representing New Yorkers in their divorce cases.
At our firm, our attorneys understand how difficult this process can be. When you are trying to support your children, keep your job, and also simultaneously go through a divorce, it can be difficult to try to handle of the legal pressures that are on you. Our aggressive and experienced New York divorce attorneys will fight for your rights, and they will handle talking to your spouse or your spouse’s attorney so that you can focus on living your life and moving forward.
Divorce Cases For Men Require Special Skills
While the court is not supposed to take the gender of a parent or spouse into account when considering the division of assets or child custody, any man going through a divorce knows that there is still a great amount of prejudice against men in the family courts and in society. If you are getting divorced, you need an attorney who knows how to work around this fact and make sure that any amount you are paying is fair. Don’t be the guy who is stuck paying too much alimony, and never getting to see his kids while his ex-wife is working under the table and not reporting any of her income.
At our firm, we will work tirelessly to protect your rights during the divorce process. When will make sure all income on the other side is disclosed, and we will put pressure on the other party to make sure they are cooperating in the divorce process. If you’re getting divorced, you should only trust your future to an experienced New York divorce attorney. Call our offices today to talk about how we can help you.