NY Domestic Violence: A Troubling Trend
Domestic violence in America has alarming statistics, and what is true of America on the whole is doubly true of large urban centers like New York City. Individuals searching legal websites for information are often in desperate need of the type of support that non-profits can provide and the legal intervention of the local police department. If you are living in fear of your life please reach out to someone—anyone for help. As a Brooklyn domestic violence lawyer the most earnest recommendation can be made that if you are in danger or have been beaten by your partner, do not wait for it to escalate—and it always does. Get help today.
The term “domestic violence” is used to describe mental or physical abuse between two people cohabitating or between two individuals who share a social or personal relationship. In New York cases, orders of protection are issued in the family court system although they are criminal in nature. Our family lawyers in NYC have been on both sides of the aisle working on New York domestic violence cases where orders of protection have been issued and defending individuals unjustly accused, therefore we’ve long ago come to the understanding that these matters can be complex and not easily solved by the courts. The same person filing a complaint with the police on Monday may have changed their mind by Wednesday and are the ones spending money with a criminal firm to have the individual released on bail by Friday. The revolving door of NY voilence complaints is a rather unfortunate aspect of human interaction, but common enough that domestic violence lawyers NYC are well-versed in the motions required to support their clients appropriately.

We are there for our clients, though we may not always agree with their decisions.
In cases where the violence has escalated to the point where fear is a part of the individual’s day to day existence, separation will eventually occur. Many people who come to us for assistance in their divorce petition have left an abusive relationship or are in the preparation of leaving an abusive relationship. We work quickly and quietly to prepare all of the necessary paperwork with the courts and coordinate with the police and locksmiths so that our clients are safe from harm and the situation is taken care of without undue stress. In all our time doing cases of NYC domestic violence cases and emergency orders we have never had a client harmed or injured by the spouse.
In situations where there are minor children living in the home it becomes a moral imperative to end the cycle of abuse. Regardless of the whether or not the children have been harmed, their world view is shaped by watching the interactions of adults.
They are deeply injured and emotionally scarred by what is happening in their home. How they treat others, how they treat their loved ones as adults has a lot to do with what they see in their home, so even if you don’t have the strength to love or help yourself, look to your children and find a way to help them. We know it’s tough, and we understand that there is still love between the abuser and the abused. It is difficult leaving someone who can be as loving and sweet as the individual when they are not being abusive. We understand the empathy that you feel for the person and the guilt you may have in leaving him or her, but when children are involved you need to look outside yourself and what you and your partner need or require and do what is right and healthy by your child or children. As a domestic violence lawyer from Queens once said, “domestic violence laws in New York are there for the protection of the weak, not to punish the strong”.
Our attorneys that specialize in domestic violence (New York) are there to assist you and your family in these cases of domestic violence and abuse, whether you have been accused of domestic abuse or if you have a situation where you require emergency intervention. We learned a long time ago that humans are complicated creatures with qualities both wonderful and frail.
We can defend you in against allegations of NY domestic violence that, although managed through family court, are criminal in nature. Because of the familiarity with the accuser many individuals do not realize that the courts do not see this any differently than an assault case between two strangers. The penalties are even more severe than a non-domestic assault charge and have long-lasting effects on your life and potential for future employment. Penalties for domestic violence in NYC can include jail time and probation, but certainly classes, court costs, fines, orders of protection, limited movement, and with a criminal record there will be many employment opportunities lost to you in the future. For those in the military, this can mean a loss of your career.
Let us help you both before it gets too far out of control.
Naturally, we also provide services to those who are in need of assistance in finding safety and closure from a cycle of abuse. The depth of expertise and sheer numbers of competent attorneys in our offices makes it easy for us put together and file emergency protective orders quickly, so that you can put yourself and any family members living with you in a zone of safety. We work with the courts and the police departments closely to time things in such a way that you and any children you may have are safe from harm, and that your spouse is put in a situation where he or she is forced to seek assistance for their illness. Violence in a domestic setting in NYC has some very strict laws associated with it and methods of facilitation to help families get respite from danger.
The attorneys at Vangorodska Law Firm have a long list of clients who have turned to us in troubled times, clients who are still a part of our “family” today. Everyone wants to make money. Sure. But what good is money if you can’t sleep at night? We don’t want to be the attorneys that didn’t do everything they could to prevent a bad situation from becoming worse.
Call our law office today to learn how we can help you during these desperate and dangerous times and to discuss your domestic violence. Learn about your options and your rights. You are not alone.