Divorced in New York

New York Divorce Comes With Guidelines

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Despite having among the lowest divorce rate in America, divorces in New York still happen. When they do, they tend to be messy. The occasional “wild west” feel of some high-profile cases notwithstanding, there are guidelines to divorce in The Empire State. Filing for divorce in New York comes with caveats: Meet the residency mandate, […]

new york divorce

Divorce New York Style

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“My behavior crushed the aspirations of my wife and ruined our marriage,” said Anthony Weiner as he left a Manhattan courtroom recently. The ex-Democratic congressman from New York whose lewd dialogues with a teen aged girl entangled him in an FBI investigation. Weiner asked the judge to save him from prison. Yeah. Ok. Slap Weiner […]

Suzanne Corso

The Ups, Downs and Downs Of A New York Divorce

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A New York writer who document her rags to riches to rags to riches tale in a trilogy is now divorced.  Once a card carrying member of the 1%, her financial nest egg shattered during the 2008 fiscal fiasco.   Suzanne Corso, 50, made her name by writing the series about how the 2008 recession […]

Predicting divorce

How Can A Couple Avoid Divorce

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A recent study by John Gottman, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Washington, points to six predictors of divorce. Recognized in 2007 as one of the nation’s ten-most influential marital therapists in the last 25-years, Gottman’s research has shown how couples to make up after a fight, stay together and save a marriage. […]

Divorce after 60

Splitting After Sixty

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A ‘legal divorce’ was unheard of among people over sixty just one generation ago. Most people of that age obtained an “Irish divorce” if anything. Couples with marital issues remained married but lived separate lives. Often they even lived in different households. Divorce wasn’t as socially acceptable, and many wives remained financially dependent on their […]

Divorcing seniors

Divorce After 50 Years Of Marriage

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The majority of divorces occur within the first 10 years of the wedding but today, people are getting divorced even after decades of living together. It has been typically observed that once a marriage is in its second decade, or if there are children involved, people tend to delay divorcing their partner either because they […]

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