Why is it that a mother is immediately granted full custody of a child born out of of wedlock?

Innocent until proven guilty

“Innocent until proven guilty”, when it comes to a mother, it seems to have stood true time and time again. A father has to not only prove in a court of law that he can financially and morally raise his child, but he also has to prove that the mother is unfit. I just do not see that “all men are created equal…”

This answer is not only in response to the question that has been asked, but also a few of the responses I read.

First of all, I believe that if the custody of a child (born in or out of wedlock) is determined in a civil court, then the issue of non-support should be handled in the same court!

Second, I believe that a child, regardless of the parents marrital status, should be required to spend equal amounts of time with each parent from birth, even when the mother is breastfeeding. If a mother can pump her milk for a daycare then she should be able to do the same if not more for the man who helped create this child.
Further more, it is becomming more and more common for a man to be ordered to pay child supprt for a child who may or may not be his.

I also believe that before child supprt can be ordered, again regardless of marrital status, the court should order a DNA test.

Also, am I the only mother that believes that child support is for the supprt of the child, and not to pay for a “Girls night out” or to get your nails done, or other nonsense that take away from the child.! I even mean your monthly rent and utililities, because, let’s keep it real, you have to have a roof over your head anyway, and water to survive, and groceries in your fridge.

Also, for all you baby mamas out there, before you drag your baby daddy into court think about reasons you are doing this, because if it is out of spite, or just to hurt him, maybe you need to realize that the only person that is suffering is the child!!! Remember, the child didn’t ask to be born in this situation, you helped put him there, don’t emotionally abuse him, by lashing out at your ex, because, when you attack their father, you are destroying your child!

As you can tell this subject is very sensitive to me, alas, I digress!

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